Equal Opportunities Policy

Achilleus Security is an Equal-Opportunity Employer, and no client or potential client, guest, customer, employee or potential employee, supplier or potential supplier will be treated less favourably than any other on the grounds of Sex, Marital status, Religious Beliefs, Race, Creed, Ethnic Origin, Nationality, Disability, or sexual preference.

The aim of this policy is to ensure that no discrimination occurs within Achilleus Security and that should such a serious matter, occur, where possible it will be dealth with in accordance with company policy including all legal and recommended guidelines.

Achilleus Security is guided by the following legislation:

  • Equal Pay Act (1970)
  • Sex Discrimination Act (1975)
  • Race Relations Act (1976)
  • Disability Discrimination Act (1995)
  • Human Rights Act (1998)
  • Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (2001)
  • Race Relations (Amendment) Act (2000)
  • EU Equal Treatment Framework Directive (2000)
  • Employment Equality (Religion and Belief) Regulations (2003)
  • Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations (2003)
  • Civil Partnership Act (2004)
  • Gender Recognition Act (2004)
  • Disability Discrimination Act (2005)
  • Employment Equality (Age) Regulations (2006)
  • Equality Act (2006)
  • Racial and Religious Hatred Act (2006)

and, in addition, the Codes of Practice issued by the Equal Opportunities Commission and the Commission for Racial Equality, together with the Codes of Practice on Disability and Age Diversity.

These Codes are not legally binding (though they are admissible as evidence in Employment Tribunals) and Achilleus Security supports them fully.

The policy will be amended as appropriate to meet the demands of future legislation.

Equal Opportunities Policy - Supporting Statements

Race Equality

  • Achilleus is committed to promoting a cohesive society and eliminating unlawful racial discrimination.
  • Achilleus where possible will promote equality of opportunity and good relations between people of different racial, national and ethnic groups.

Disability Equality

  • Achilleus will not treat a person less favourably directly or indirectly on the basis of his/her disability and will promote equality of opportunity for people with disabilities where safe working practices and Health and Safety Legislation allows.

Gender Equality

  • Achilleus will not treat a person less favourably directly or indirectly due to gender or marital status.

Equality of Employment

  • Achilleus will through its policies and training seek to create:
  • A prejudice free and supportive working environment;
  • A workforce which reflects the diversity of the population ensuring that people from all communities have equality of opportunity within Achilleus.

Sexual Orientation

  • Achilleus will not discriminate directly or indirectly on the grounds of sexual orientation.

Gender Reassignment

  • Achilleus will not discriminate directly or indirectly on the grounds of gender reassignment.

Religion and Belief

  • (This is defined as any religion, religious belief or similar philosophical belief. It excludes philosophical or political beliefs unless those beliefs are similar to a religious belief, e.g. the belief has a profound affect on the person's way of life)


  • A person's age will not lead to unfair discrimination.
  • Achilleus will not discriminate directly or indirectly on the grounds of religion or belief.

It becomes the personal duty of all employees at all levels to adhere to this policy and to assist wherever possible in its implementation.

We acknowledge that certain additional emphasis is placed upon staff with job responsibility covering recruitment, training and internal company promotion.

We will constantly monitor the selection and subsequent employment of all staff and the procedures will be reviewed to ensure that no one group is discriminated against.

All employees are encouraged to progress within Achilleus Security and will be given equal opportunity to do so. It is, therefore, the avowed intention of this Company to ensure that any remedial action required to address the representation by a particular group at certain levels within Achilleus is taken, and the situation will be monitored to prevent future re-occurrences.

Achilleus Security will enable any employee or associated person who believes that he or she has been treated inequitably within the scope of this policy to raise this matter through a Grievance Procedure.

Achilleus Security will ensure that all aspects of this policy and future additions or amendments receive the highest priority. We will continue to review this policy as part of our normal consultative process, and I will formally review it on an annual basis.


Mr. Mario Garcia FDM (csm) DiP PMVA
Achilleus Security Management Limited
Managing Director
Reviewed: December 2023

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